What is Spiritual Direction?
You might be curious about what spiritual direction entails. Firstly, it's important to clarify that the term "direction" can be misleading. There isn't an agenda for spiritual direction sessions, there is an intention. My intention is to faithfully be present with you as you develop a deeper understanding and trust in your own belovedness, as well as the inner resources, guidance, and authority that already exist within you. By connecting with your Center, you also connect with Guidance. During spiritual direction, we take the time to slow down and listen to the Divine within our hearts.
“What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous.”
- Thomas Merton
Who is spiritual direction for? Spiritual direction is for any individual seeking a deeper understanding of their inner life and connection with the Divine. Those experiencing a shift, crisis, or evolution in their failth may benefit from telling their story in a non-judgmental atmosphere where they can feel truly heard.
“Not all who wander are lost.”
J.R.R. Tolkien
What do we talk about? You come with your life, with your life situation, your heart and mind and body. You’re invited to share whatever might be bubbling up in your life. As you open up, I'll be here to listen with a prayerful attitude, and together we'll be attentive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I work alongside individuals to help them recognize where and how God is present in their lives, as well as to encourage them to delve deeper into their own selves and their relationship with the Divine. My role is to assist in guiding the individual towards their unique inner path.
“One’s capacity to face the dark side of one’s personality increases in direct proportion as one’s trust in God develops, and even more when one experiences oneself as loved by God. All the defences disintegrate in the presence of knowing one is loved by God.”
- Thomas Keating
Practices you may wish to explore? We can also explore various practices that can aid in fostering inner peace, tranquility, discernment, and devotion. You might discover that tools such as the enneagram, dreamwork, centering prayer, and biospiritual focusing - all of which I am deeply passionate about - can support you on your spiritual journey.
“To pray is to listen to the voice of the One who calls us the beloved.”
-Henri Nouwen
Where and when do we meet? I have meetings with directees (yes, that’s what they’re called) either at my home in Auburn, California where I have a private, dedicated space, or on Google Meet. I can also meet with directees at the beautiful Mercy Center in Auburn, California. Our sessions usually take place once a month and last for about an hour.
“Let yourself be silenty drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray.”